How did Jason Clarke’s John Connor become a T-3000? Well, we did see the beginning of that answer when SkyNet (Matt Smith) grabbed his face and began what looked to be an initial infection/virus but apparently the sequel to Genisys would have shown more of that transformation according to actor Jason Clarke… asked the following questions while Jason promoted his new movie Chappaquiddick
Did you ever know what the planned trilogy was? Did they ever say anything to you about what the overarching story would have been had it been a bigger hit? Or were they were going film by film?
No, they had an idea. What I remember was that second one was going to be about John’s journey after he was taken by Skynet…like going down to what he became; half machine, half man. That’s where the second one was going to start, and that’s about all I knew.
Well, it’s still more than I knew. (laughs)
It’s such a bummer we didn’t get to do that.
Collider then seem to get some Genisys/Salvation confusion (we presume)…
I really want to talk about this movie, but I remember that the original ending was different and that they ended up changing it because the ending leaked or something. But, I remember hearing the original ending and thought it was cooler than the one that it actually was.
Which one was it? I can’t remember. They changed so many things in that. They twist and changed, it was just like, ugh.
Yeah, welcome to Hollywood.
Welcome to Hollywood. (laughs)
As a Terminator fan the phrasing and information in’s question seems more to match Christian Bale’s outing of John Connor in Terminator Salvation and the leaked/deleted/darker ending of John Connor dying then having his face grafted onto Marcus Wright to keep the legend of John Connor alive in the war against the machines. Clarke does however acknowledge that many things got changed in Genisys and the comment of “ugh” also suggests he wasn’t happy with the story not having a more solid/structured direction.
It was perhaps the intention for Clarke’s John to be saved from becoming a machine in the sequel. Time travel became a totally disposable plot device in the world of Genisys,- seeing characters jump around time like an episode of Sliders.
We stand by our view that Genisys was rife with mis-casting including Jason Clarke but Mr. Clarke is a great actor and a very likable gentleman and we believe he will continue to have a great career.
Jason Clarke will return as John Connor in a new Terminator Genisys Board Game (providing the Kickstarter is a success) and the board game promises to expand the Genisys timeline mythos and story in the future war setting; so if you did like Genisys then you will not want to miss the Kickstarter which begins on April 9th 2018!