Michael Biehn is looking pretty damn healthy of late and this awesome photo of him as Kyle Reese cosplaying with Terminator Fan Justin Grubb could have some fans wanting the studios to ditch the 18 year old female teenager anchor concept in the movie in favor of bringing DN38416 back for Terminator 6 alongside Linda Hamilton.
We have already discussed that if T2’s events delayed Judgment Day- then Kyle Reese in the altered timeline would be sent back later than 2029 (image above of Older John and Older Kyle in postponed Future War).
The original timeline Kyle died in The Terminator (1984), the T2 altered timeline= the same Kyle gets sent back later but isn’t dead. The chicken or the egg ideology is back!
In a previous Exclusive Michael Edwards told TheTerminatorFans.com that he was willing to return as John Connor for Terminator 6.
Would you rather see Michael back as Reese and the torch pass held off? Would you like to see Linda and Michael taking on an evil programmed Schwarzenegger T-800 again? or is it time to pass the torch to a younger cast?
Take the poll! Then share your thoughts in the comments below!
It’s pretty clear what the fans want: a Terminator movie that has the attributes of the first two. Whether we get Biehn or not, I’m of the opinion that the actors and actresses are NOT alone able to make a movie great. We need the right story, we need the right effects, we need the right musical score, etc… Terminator 3 was a perfect example: we still had Ah-nold but when Mostow took the reigns as Director the film went to shit. So yeah – do I want to see Michael Biehn back as Reese? Fuck yes! But this thing will only be good if we have the right script writers/directors/producers and other behind-the-scenes folks pulling this thing together.
Speaking of which, do we know if Brad Fidel is doing the musical score for this one?
I think it’s not a good idea to bring all characters from the first 2 films aged. It may look even more stupid than Genysis.
I’m afraid that if theterminatirfans (TTF) will continue to push to this crazy ideas, then producers and creator of next films of the franchise will not take into account any of TTF ideas even the ones that can be really good ideas.
I think TTF should be more pragmatic and concentrate on realistic tips to Cameron amd Ellison.
Push crazy ideas? Like asking for a Terminator 2 sequel? pushing for the return of Linda Hamilton? asking for Arnold to go back to basics as a bad Terminator? James Cameron doesn’t really need tips from this website and we are not part of any creative to give solid ideas. All we can do is throw stuff out there and voice those fans who would be interested and want actors like Michael and Robert back in the movies and to suggest loose ways it can be done. We have no clue what the story of the next movie will be or how it will be executed.
This article is not pushing an idea it is just a poll to see how fans feel about an idea and to reaffirm the many that are not happy with “torch/baton passing”.
Regarding “crazy” we think “crazy” was Terminator 3-Terminator Genisys. If we do polls to bring back Chief Master Sgt William Candy or Kathryn Brewster please call us fucking insane and stop visiting the website.
Guys, I’m not criticizing you by saying about crazy ideas. This portal is the best place for the real fans of terminator – no doubt. And I’m pretty sure Cameron has somebody who reads this staff, because for them it’s a free of charge source of customer voice.
That’s is why i would suggest to propose realistic ideas, IMHO return of Michael Beihn or Robert Patric is not realistic.
Who are we, fans of terminator? Small, very very small part of target audience. But we are experts in this universe. Why not really make a conversation here that will lead to a really good ideas for the next film. And I’m sure they will use it at least partially.
We did ourselves have problems with Kyle Reese coming back in the article “Casting Terminator 6” we actually suggested it might be better to do a Kyle Reese Sarah Connor Dream/Nightmare Sequence and we put some other ideas up. Overall we did say it would make more sense for Biehn to return in Alien 5 as Hicks than as Kyle in Terminator 6 but the fans who do want Biehn back still deserve to have their voices and wishes heard. https://www.theterminatorfans.com/casting-terminator-6/
I personally believe that given Michaels age, he would be perfect to play John Connor instead. I am now 43 years old, and the older I get, the more like my father I get to look like. So it’s not too far fetched to think of the story in that arc. In no way should they go down the route of Jai Courtney again, he fudging well sucked. The most important thing though. Make the story great again!!!
Yall are making this more complicated than it needs to be. All you got to do is say that he went into a coma from blood loss at the end of The Terminator. And Cyperdine took him and locked him up in a secret government facility. Just read the Terminator Comic : “The Terminator 2029-1984 not only is it a damn good comic . But it explains this theory. And it could easily fit into the current canon.
We did mention the comic plot line (government captivity) in an article called ‘Casting Terminator 6’. It would overall be just as easy to say the events of Terminator 2 delayed the war, delayed time travel technology and we get a Michael Biehn either way. If any of the ideas are used the studios make the final choices.