You may be looking for the latest Terminator: Genesis news and you’re in the right place but as you trawl through the internet you may be having a hard time locating images and videos, this video has been removed by the user, or this image has been removed at the request of Paramount etc.
We posted to Facebook on the 24th May 2014:
Fans have been using the internet to share set videos, pictures. In essence we can only figure that the studio just simply wants to keep this movie as secret as possible.
So what is the limit? Must we know every single detail before the film is released… Terminator Salvation’s biggest twist was that Marcus Wright was a machine and the trailer showed us the scene of Marcus looking down at his body and screaming in the realization that he was indeed a machine… A scene which could have had some emotional and intellectual gravitas was left having no real impact or surprise for movie goers who had watched the trailers or sneak peak clips.
Some websites are being presented with cease and desist letters from the legal department over at paramount.
If you were lucky enough you may have seen numerous set photos on this website and we even made a video, we had a set photos section and news stories featuring what we believed to be images of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of Terminator: Genesis. We have since had to remove this content as we respect the wishes of Paramount and we don’t want to deal with those legal people who can crush mere man with a single stroke of a pen nib.
So how do we deal with Terminator: Genesis news from now on? Now, that is a good question, we simply have to wait for official news, perhaps we can talk about rumors and spoilers with a pinch-of-salt type attitude? One thing for sure is we are still following the movie, we will still post news and keep on improving this website for you.
We are also currently in the process of taking on new staff to bring you increased content, allowing for us to bring a much more expansive coverage of Terminator content so we can appease fans of all the movies and not just the upcoming Terminator: Genesis.
We also have many archived news stories which will begin to gradually restore soon, posts dating back to 2002.