Now is the time of what Hollywood is terming as the ‘requel’; the ability to undo damage caused by failed sequels… the ability to take a step back and choose which is the best point of time to go back to and heal a franchise, this is what 20th Century Fox plans to do with Alien 5 and will choose to ignore Alien 3 and 4- so wouldn’t it be a good idea to ignore T3, T:S and T:G and make a true sequel to Terminator 2?
If a ‘Requel’ is to happen then there is one vital person you need… Linda Hamilton AKA The Real Sarah Connor.
We have been honest about how we feel about Terminator Genisys and support the majority view that it was the wrong direction for the franchise. The Terminator franchise has never been successful as PG-13,- so why would you repeat the same mistake again and again?
We recently tried to obtain contact with someone who was close to the production of Terminator Genisys, when discussion touched upon Linda Hamilton returning as Sarah Connor a brick wall instantly went up.
When asked about a Linda Hamilton return, a source close to Terminator Genisys stated:
It’s too sensitive of a subject unfortunately.
Why would talking about the possibility of Linda Hamilton returning to Terminator be a touchy subject?
Here are some facts we can tell you without going into too much detail…
1. While we can’t name names or go into full details; what we can tell you about Linda Hamilton is that people on a business level are having difficulty in locking down contact with Linda Hamilton.
2. Her fans are even having trouble keeping track of her, bar one sighting of Linda Hamilton last week in New Orleans. Sarah Connor seems to be off the grid… Image below courtesy of our friends at The Linda Hamilton Fan Group.
3. Linda Hamilton is a convention regular and very loyal to the Terminator fan base yet has no current appearances planned…
4. Linda recently sold her home and relocated, where to is her business of course but has been pretty uncontactable since.
5. Whispers of a Linda Hamilton return to Terminator Genisys sequels was apparently breezing through corridors of Paramount Pictures a while back (we didn’t report it as we needed more confirmation to feel confident about running such a story)… but with Terminator Genisys being a non-starter- bringing Linda back in anything but a sequel to T2 would just be an utter mess… especially if it was set on the idiotic timeline and PG-13 model of Genisys,- it would probably have resulted in nothing more than an empty glorified cameo fans would not want. Think about old original Spock passing the reigns down to Skydance Star Trek reboot Spock and you’re close to understanding the info we obtained and original possible theatrical barf moment plans for the originally planned Genisys trilogy. Reboot Sarah Connor meets the Real Sarah Connor or other stupid scenarios are not wanted AT ALL.
6. Linda’s lack of appearances is nothing to do with ill health and reportedly she IS fit and well.
7. Linda although semi-retired still does some work, she is actually set to star in a science-fiction thriller titled ‘Curvature‘ something we will definitely be keeping an eye out for.
8. Linda Hamilton is open to a Terminator return but she has never been presented with a script worthy enough to validate the return of Sarah Connor. After reading the original script for T3 she was totally right to turn the role down, it also feels very snide and petty that because she turned the script down they tried to kill her off; off-screen… If Hamilton turns your script down you needed to work on it until she was happy to be part of it. Linda could obviously smell the cash grab stink of T3 before the cameras even rolled.
9. It isn’t too late for Linda to gain some muscle and do the diet she did for T2, she has done the role twice before and can do it again. If Arnold can be back then so can Linda Hamilton. She is also younger than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
10. Linda Hamilton was to be offered a Terminator 5 and 6 movie deal (written by William Wisher – T2/The Terminator) but Skydance Media had PG-13 plans to connect with tweens and disregard the fan base. Yes we nearly had Arnold, Linda and Michael back on the big screen in a 2 movie deal to close the loop of the original Jim Cameron movies but instead we got the horrific Terminator Genisys. While we were negative about Justin Lin directing the proposed T5/T6 movies it didn’t mean we didn’t want them… yes he would have done good action sequences but outside of that box we didn’t feel he was capable of the depth required to make fully rounded Terminator movies that would stand the test of time. Do we need more than one director for the next Terminator movie? Maybe… and can we actually have a real fan directing the movie and not directors who claim to be fans then give us movies which proved they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing or understand the material or the fans. Justin Lin is also firmly at home with Skydance now (Star Trek 2) coincidence? Skydance love Asia and using Justin Lin holds big appeal for Asian audiences because of the China Box Office success of the Fast and Furious movies, but do we really need ‘The Fast and the Terminated’? As long as Skydance continue to try to turn Terminator into PG-13 Sci-Fi/Fantasy CGI hell (the wrong genre) then it just won’t appeal the way it should.
Remember what they say about Hollywood movie deaths; if they don’t die on camera they ain’t dead.
For the minority that regard T3 as canon and seem concrete on Sarah Connor dying from leukemia…
1. Sarah Connor was not inside the coffin in T3: Rise of the Machines.
2. John hit the road the day she died… he might not have been telling the exact truth about events… why would you tell any sort of vital information to a Terminator on the day of Judgment Day, the minute the neural net launches, SkyNet would receive vital information…
3. A T-850 tells John Connor that her friends (militia?) scattered her ashes and stored the weapons in accordance with her will… would you actually believe the machine that told you it would be the same machine to later kill you in the future?
4. SkyNet only has data from governmental files, if Sarah Connor faked her death for a greater cause to protect John (an idea we came up with and have rabbited on about for years to include T3 and T4 in the canon) then went off the grid, SkyNet wouldn’t know shit unless she has become incarcerated again at Pescadero or caught by the LAPD/FBI.
So, which movie studio will have the balls to be successful first; 20th Century with Alien 5 or Skydance with Terminator 6… who will seize the opportunity of the REQUEL? One thing for sure is Alien and Terminator now have the chance to become the genuine trilogies of the horror science fiction genre.
Please bring back Linda, Arnold, James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd and other key members, invite them all to the party and let’s see if a monumental event will take place and restore our faith in Hollywood.
Isn’t it time to put the fans first before more of us start walking away from this franchise… This franchise has great potential and it has been painful to watch it become an unsuccessful one.
Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton are extremely vital to have on board if you want success without James Cameron.
We really do hope the real Sarah Connor will be back in a major lead role as we stand by Linda Hamilton’s involvement in the Terminator series to be for the greater good, for fans, for studios, for investors and for Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you think Deadpool was a successful R Rated movie… Terminator 6; a requel to T2 would break new records worldwide, not just in Asia. Give the countries that have a proper ratings system the true cut and film alternate scenes for an Asian cut to appease the strict guidelines of the Chinese government. Japan always loved R Rated Terminator movies though, maybe China would too?
Terminator is an American Science-Fiction franchise, maybe it should start acting like one.
Well said. 😀
Amen! Awesome article! #truth
This is probably the most exciting movie news I have seen in years. I was so disappointed when I went to watch Terminator 3 and Linda wasn’t in it. It felt wrong that she was just gone and the way they did it frustrated me. Sarah Connor is my all time favorite movie heroine and yes I would be happy to ignore the movies she didn’t star in because they are not even on the same level as the first two Terminators.
Keep up the great work on this site guys.
Hamilton’s Sarah Connor was the connective tissue that held this franchise together… just look what happened without her. Cameron and Hurd need to be in control of their creation or at least heavily involved; providing a mutual deal be made between the studios they are contracted to and the current rights owners… Alien 5 begins the trend… Indiana Jones 5 is now in similar Requel talks. Requel$ are coming and a carefully crafted sequel to T2 could revive this dead horse.
Т6: реалистичное кино: персонажи: неприглядность, перекошенность, некрасивость, затравленность;
ветхий загнивающий вещественный нынешний мир обречён, но при этом роскошные декоры и завоевания
цивилизации; но через это тление и загнивание, освобождение и перерождение; изменение сознания и зрение невидимого мира; кадр: следователя атакует dog-terminator; передний план; следователь стреляет;
собака прыгает; пасть; чёрный экран; кадр: следователь лежит: нога подвёрнута, выражение перекошено; франшиза: The Terminator & dog; невидимое; иная реальность; тогда режиссёр свободен и не загружен ответственность снять “реалистичное кино”, и снимет продолжение сиквела и франшизы.
Реальность приобретает призрачность и равнодушную обречённость;
борьба принимает философско-созерцательную форму; зло никуда не девается, а зло – это колбаса; хочется замочить какого-нибудь злодея, а кина не будет; злодей – твоё самомнение, твоё пристрастие к тленным вещам; терминатор приобретает призрачно-ассоциативное значение, и скорее символ напастей земного бытия; но бороться надо; Сара понимает: это ёё «избранность»: борьба с терминаторами, уничтожение злых и настырных «киборгов»; это как насекомые, а сей мир не понимает её проблемы; идея спасения мира не нова, и роскошные декоры…. нынешнее напоминает скорее детективно-психологическую драму, чем horror; ну и, как обычно, новости от собаки-терминатор; эксклюзивные: следователь остался жив; на лице шрамы, «подвёрнутая» нога ещё прихрамывает; Сара и следователь выглядывают из-за стены;
Т1, Т2; это реальность и фантастика; ныне же нет типичной реальности; окукленность и поток время; поэтому продолжение Т2 в нынешней “реальности”-нереальности – это та же самая франшиза, только в стиле «реализм»; получится очередная franchise, но качественнее снятое кино; Реальость – это сам человек; и душа человека, которая духовна по природе; реальность – это собака-терминатор; потому что прототип: немецкая овчарка; передались диверсионные качества и необычность; девяностые годы; киношная фантастика и реальность соединились; это продолжение
сиквела и франшизы.
I only have two words to say about this article: FUCKIN’ AYE!!!
it’s not Terminator without her, However, she deserves a pivotal role. Not just a background cameo. That won’t be fair to her or the fans or do justice to her talent. I was 11 when this came out. She was amazing.