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Terminator 7: Fan Art Depicts John Cena as New T-800 Model

Terminator 7 (T7) John Cena

Not too long ago the ‘news’ source We Got This Covered (WGTC) reported that Paramount Pictures were looking at rebooting Terminator again (Terminator 7) with Margot Robbie and John Cena. News of Margot Robbie and John Cena potentially bringing some fresh blood to the franchise actually didn’t go down too well with the majority of Terminator Fans, but it hasn’t stopped fan art depicting John Cena as a potential candidate to take the mantle of T-800 from Arnold Schwarzenegger; who portrayed the infamous Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 T-800 Terminator unit.

John Cena as The Terminator by ellejart

John Cena as New T-800 Model by ellejart


This bro keeps the right way🔥
What do you guys think? Will the Terminator as John Cena protect us or kill us?


The artwork is interesting and gives us a look at what wrestler / actor, Cena, could look like as the T-800 – but with the growth of influencer art hitting social media… is this something that would actually work in a feature film?

It’s long overdue that the franchise explore new T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Models and the Netflix Anime series by Skydance could be doing just that by giving us some new Cyberdyne Systems Models to enjoy whilst also answering fans cries of providing a potential true genesis to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Model 101 appearance.

So who should play a new Model of Terminator?

There have been many suggestions put out into the ether from fans and social media influencers, suggestions ranging from from Nicholas Cage (The Cageinator), to Arnold look-alike Calum Von Moger, to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. We ourselves mentioned that we wouldn’t mind Brett Azar (young T-800s in both Terminator Genisys and Dark Fate) having a stab at the job; seeing as he has already portrayed a CSM-101 twice in the Skydance Terminator movies.

John Cena as T-800 CSM-102?

The hardcore fans among us, of course know, that another 800 series Infiltrator the CSM-102Future Terminator‘ (also known as T-808 and T-810) was portrayed by Franco Columbu in The Terminator (1984). So we can’t approve of John Cena taking the 102 serial but the artwork reinforces that it is time we see more of those CSM numbers, with many numbers up for the taking to expand and enhance upon the Terminator mythos…

Franco Columbu as the T-808 CSM-102

The future of the franchise now hinges on a Terminator Anime series, so if Cena is actually a consideration for studios (and fans) for a theatrical Terminator 7, then maybe they should test it out in the anime by using his likeness and have him voice a Terminator – to allow the fans to decide if they want more… ?

Would we pick John Cena to play a new Terminator?

The honest answer would be a resounding no, but at this stage in the currently stagnant franchise, it might just be best to let Hollywood do what it’s going to do, even if it results in new failure and more wrong decisions.
They can always continue to blame fans for not being supportive enough if another movie bombs at the box office again…

Would you like to see John Cena become a T-800? If yes, what model number would you give him? Rremember 101 and 102 are taken. Let us know in the comments below.

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