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Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line The Origin Story of Franco Columbu’s CSM-102

Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line The Origin Story of Franco Columbu's CSM 102

This December Terminator Fans will be getting an early Christmas present from Reef Entertainment and Teyon Games, in the form of a second DLC for the fan-favorite Terminator game, Terminator: Resistance.
DLC 2 comes with the subtitle of ‘Annihilation Line‘ and follows Jacob Rivers mid-way through the main story campaign as he joins Kyle Reese, Corporal Ferro and an unknown third character (whom we previously mentioned in our coverage of the datamining leaks as being named ‘Evans‘).

Now Reef Entertainment have posted a teaser image to their social media which got our attention.

Reese, Ferro and Evans

Anyone following our coverage of Terminator: Resistance will know that the first DLC featured the likeness of the late Franco Columbu (the Terminator model seen briefly in the first Terminator movie as it obliterated a Resistance bunker in the future war) – but is that really all it was? A cameo to homage the memory of a legend, and remind the world that there are more Terminator models in the Terminator universe than just those with the likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger… ? Or are Terminator Fans about to see first-hand the origin story of Franco Columbu’s Terminator?

The image on Reef’s socials of ‘Evans’ looks eerily similar to the likeness used for Franco’s Terminator in Terminator: Resistance Infiltrator Mode – the likeness of which was previously confirmed by the game studios as being Franco.

If Evans is indeed the Resistance soldier which forms the basis for the physical likeness of the 800 series Terminator model that will go on to infiltrate the Resistance hideout; then that would mean that at some point within the ‘Annihilation Line’ DLC Evans will be taken by SkyNet for flesh harvesting, in order to create an infiltrator.
So, are Jacob Rivers, Kyle Reese and Corporal Ferro set to uncover the abduction of survivors and the harvesting of human tissue as they investigate the ‘Northridge Outpost‘?

We previously reported that the conclusion of the Infiltrator Mode DLC hinted that the next DLC may be centered around a prequel story of Kyle Reese and data mining further corroborated that.

Infiltrator Mode was the first DLC for Terminator: Resistance and listed Franco’s Terminator as a T-800

We know that Franco Columbu plays a CSM-102 (Cyberdyne Systems Model 102) T-800 in the world of Terminator: Resistance. Although Franco has also been known to be a T-808 CSM-102 and a T-810 CSM-107 in The Terminator Collectible Card Game.

A closer look at Evans.

Had Arnold Schwarzenegger allowed his likeness to be used for the game; we could have gotten the CSM-101 origin story, but getting a CSM-102 origin story isn’t too shabby, and the timing is right for the expanded lore of Terminator – not to mention being a great tribute to Franco Columbu (if this is indeed the case).

The Netflix Anime series may also be venturing into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s CSM-101 origin story – if so, it looks like Terminator: Resistance may have beaten the studios to exploring the basics of the Terminator franchise lore, and that’s something which should have been explored a long long time ago.

The expansion of Cyberdyne Systems Model numbers also makes SkyNet seem a lot less… illogical. Why would it put Arnold Schwarzenegger’s face on every T-800? Simple answer… ? It wouldn’t. The supercomputer doesn’t have a crush on Arnold. Its system is based on logic, not insanity or emotion. It’s a means to an end.

Logic dictates: adapt or die. Using the same physical likeness over and over again doesn’t sound like adapting. Time to adjust the mission parameters perhaps… ?

I’m looking forward to the possibility of seeing Franco Columbu’s origin story, are you?

The DLC will be available to purchase digitally from Steam® and the PlayStation Store worldwide on December 10th.

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Image Source: Reef Entertainment

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