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Terminator 2: Katherine Schwarzenegger Cried At T-800 Practical FX

Katherine Schwarzenegger Cried On Terminator 2 Set

Arnold Schwarzenegger made a surprise appearance during a reunion for the 30th anniversary of Kindergarten Cop, which featured the now grown up members of the memorable child cast.

Arnold discussed how happy he was with his daughter Katherine‘s choice of husband (Chris Pratt) which he finds surprising given a previous experience on the set of 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Arnold said:

“I never ever thought that my daughter is going to marry an actor. I said to myself, I said to myself, you know; she probably will be sick and tired of me dragging her to the sets always, and having them watch me blowing up buildings and killing people and all the stuff, and uh so, you know, my kids always enjoyed it and uh, but Katherine, she was crying… always the first few movies, like when I dragged that- Maria came out to the set when it was in the middle of shooting uh, Terminator 2, and so she [Katherine] saw me with half of the face was gone, and the eye was lighting up and all this kind of weird makeup; so she started screaming and crying on the set because she did not understand why Daddy looked like that. She had no idea about movies and all that stuff,”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Any fear Katherine Schwarzenegger may have experienced on the set of T2 is a testament to the collaborative work of Jeff Dawn and Stan Winston Studio, who did a fantastic job on the practical effects make-up of the of Arnold’s T-800 CSM-101.

Terminator: Dark Fate

Katherine had already regaled the tale of the T2 make-up during the promotion of Terminator: Dark Fate, wherein she took to social media to say…

“Went to opening night of Terminator last night and yes, I cried, but this time it was not out of fear that my dads face was going to stay bloody and metal (you can imagine me processing this at a young age 🤪), I cried this time because the movie is SO GOOD and I am SO proud of my dad! Go make weekend plans to see it!”


It looks like Katherine’s time on the T2 set wasn’t all bad judging by this picture…

Katherine and Arnold

Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten

Arnold also said that his cartoon, Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten, which was inspired by the success of Kindergarten Cop is also still very much in the pipeline.

You can watch the full Kindergarten Cop Reunion below.

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