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TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE Data Mining Leaks Reveal DLC Ft. Kyle Reese, Cyberdyne + More

TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE Data Mining Leaks Reveal DLC Ft. Kyle Reese, Cyberdyne + More

Terminator video game, Terminator: Resistance, recently returned with a new DLC titled ‘Infiltrator Mode‘; which allows players to finally play as a Terminator unit (a T-800 Terminator which was portrayed by Franco Columbu in the first movie’s future war flashback scene). Players gather intel and assassinate members of the Resistance / Tech Com.

*If you wish to avoid spoilers about potential future DLC content, then we suggest you stop reading, RIGHT NOW!
Scroll down for our full video, which contains all of the content in this article and MORE.

We did a playthrough of Infiltrator Mode, and, as we have previously stated; the way in which the DLC ended felt very suggestive of Kyle Reese possibly making an appearance in the next planned DLC.

The last couple of days have become more interesting for Terminator Fans, as the game has had a pretty large data leak. Data miner “necrocrafts” managed to get into the files for the Infiltrator Mode DLC, and found files marked as ‘DLC2‘ which contain some very interesting information.

Necrocrafts initially posted his findings on Reddit in r/terminatorresistance, and posted screen captures for the following characters:

Kyle Reese

Corporal Ferro (the female future war Resistance fighter who fought alongside Kyle in the first Terminator movie)

A non-playable Resistance Soldier named Evans

T-600 (with rubber mask and clothing)

T-600 Endoskeleton (without clothing and rubber mask / skin)

The unused Terminator 2 Hunter Killer concept – HK Centurion

Terminator Fans have been requesting a Kyle Reese / Michael Biehn voiced DLC for Terminator: Resistance, to fulfil the time loop that, perhaps, now only a video game can achieve. It very much feels this is the best route, as the window for movies fulfilling a Kyle Reese prequel is beginning to seem as though it could be lost to time.
The negative news here is that the Kyle Reese mesh model, in the image captures by necrocrafts, list the character as an NPC – which means ‘non playable character‘, and the same applies to Ferro.

Level files were also found by necrocrafts, and are listed as the following:

L05_Bakersfield (possible nod to ‘Ben Richards’, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character from 1987’s ‘The Running Man’ – the character attained the lamentable reputation of the “Butcher of Bakersfield”)

Interestingly, Level 7 is not listed, which could indicate it as being somewhat important; otherwise it would be listed, no… ?
LeszeckTest‘ is listed as a level, and on searching “Leszeck” we got the google result of “Leszek Kołakowski” who was a Polish philosopher; Teyon Games, the developers of Terminator: Resistance, are also Polish. Leszek was known for his critical analyses of Marxist thought, and in his later work he focused on religious questions, this could point to the context of a decision making moment in the game perhaps – as Terminator: Resistance was heavily decision based, and it effected the overall outcome of the game’s plot.

Necrocrafts, who also leaked Ghost Face (Scream) files for ‘Dead by Daylight‘, has stated that he found files that potentially set up possible VR for the game.

We contacted necrocrafts and he did some more inspecting of the files for; he said that there is also a chance that there are files that could also be early foundations for a multiplayer function.
He advised us of how we could access the files ourselves, and our website did some additional inspecting.

We looked over the core files that necrocrafts screencaptured, and of course other core game files are there – like game models, and even a deceased Robert Patrick model. There are even fully nude models in here too (from the game’s two love scenes).

Did we find anything interesting? Well… we did find the ruins of the Cyberdyne Systems building from Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Could this be something to do with the missing Level 7 folder?

We also looked at a bunch of SkyNet textures, and there’s even a post-nuclear stadium level. There is also what seems to be a school interior, possibly pre-war, could this perhaps be from a flashback scene, to enhance a characters story… ?

Upon futher inspection we found that the NPC known as ‘Evans‘ has an alternate nude model, and when this guy is nude he looks a lot like a Terminator; this dude has far too much muscle mass for an apocalyptic setting. He’s also lacking genitalia, though whether this is a sign of being a machine, or a somewhat censored human isn’t known.

On a little more digging there was also a gravestone with the name ‘Mark‘ on it. This could simply be set decoration, maybe it has some significance to the plot, or perhaps it’s connected as a real life homage to someone related to the game or the staff…

Upon looking at the T-800 files; we found that the files are listed as ‘Franco‘, further proof that the Terminator in the Infiltrator Mode DLC is based on the likeness of the legendary body-builder (for anyone out there who doubted that this was Franco’s Columbu’s Terminator… ).

Thanks to ‘Jayce‘ for the tip off about the leaked game files, and if anyone wants to check out necrocrafts‘ ‘Dead by Daylight’ videos – then you can check out his Youtube by clicking here.

Are you excited for a new Terminator: Resistance DLC?

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