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Terminator: Genisys Storyboards Revealed

Terminator Genisys

Endoskeletons driving trucks full of human prisoners… quite amusing. This movie could end up being great for all the wrong reasons. Terminator 3 wasn’t actually funny but this film could be. Anyway take a look at the storyboards, plenty of smiling Endoskeletons and a HK Centurion… but will these future war battles be at night time or day?

Endoskeletons outside a work camp:

If they can make a neural-net why does SkyNet need Endoskeletons to drive vehicles when the vehicles should be driver-less; hooked into the same neural-net working to a GPS in the satellite system. Technology now is more advanced than this premise…  #FuckingStupid

See wiki for more info Autonomous Car.

Connor during the Future War:

John Connor and Kyle Reese fighting off Endoskeletons:

Connor, Reese, and the rebels in battle as helicopters drop tanks in the background:

A frozen Endoskeleton in the foreground as Connor and Reese pass by:

Storyboards courtesy of Entertainment Weekly

Images from Paramount Pictures

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