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Terminator: Genisys; Child Friendly Version of Terminator?

Terminator 2 Deleted Smile Scene

The Terminator franchise is adult with its movies tending to be rated more towards an R audience. It deserves an R Rating to showcase all it has to offer. There are some fight scenes that need the R Rating so that they aren’t watered down too much. There is a reason that PG-13 horror films are one of the biggest laughing stocks of the movie industry, they don’t show enough- just to get younger audience members in theater seats.

Earlier we talked about how a Young Sarah Connor would be possibly be rescued by Sarah Connor (older) at Big Bear Lake in the movie.

Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) should be involved in this scene. It is unknown if Barrett Campbell got the role of young Sarah or not.

So there will be a focus on the Young Sarah Connor as well as a young Kyle Reese who has been confirmed as being played by Bryant Prince (pictured below).

Also the movie will apparently feature a school bus full of children and one of the children will be played by Ari Atken.

This is his attempt at comedy…

Cabran E. Chamberlain will play the school bus driver… he should be an adult as children don’t drive.

So what’s the big deal about interconnecting characters back to childhood… to protect them from assassination? or is this a way to change the movie to be aimed at a VERY young audience?

How much time will be consumed for these additional actors and character arcs? Is this something to tie into the TV Series… could this get messy and lost in translation to viewers?

The parents of these characters will also feature like Kyle’ Reese’s mother who will be played by Kerry O’Malley. (pictured below)

More kids will appear on a beach in the movie and Mahal Montoya will play one of the parents in those scenes. She is an actress based in New Orleans.

T2 was pushing it with John Connor with very good casting but will these kids serve a purpose for story or just to fully try to connect with the child viewing audience?

Terminator Genisys is already going to be a PG-13 film (according to Jai Courtney) which is a rating to allow the younger audiences in (though I’ve seen R rated movies that younger children have been allowed into) and now there is a focus on children.

It’s like they’re catering to children with the rating and who they’re focusing on. In Terminator 2: Judgment Day there was Edward Furlong as John Connor. However, that movie was rated R and the focus was on more grownup themes such as ‘should you kill someone to save the future’ or ‘Sarah Connor’s fragile yet resilient mental state’.

But Terminator Genisys has been accused of being a cash grab, so I personally doubt it will have the redeeming qualities of Terminator 2.

Terminator: Genisys continues to confuse fans.

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