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Terminator 5: The Vision Vs Reality

Terminator 5: The Vision Vs Reality

So, since Terminator Salvation came out have been talking about “Terminator 5”. The project has been delayed but is still happening. You may have seen our concept art and/or read about some of our ideas which could contribute to getting the Terminator series back on form. Our aim was simply to keep Terminator alive and give the fans something to talk about. We have received many positive comments and emails about what we want T5 to be but just like T3 and Salvation (C2 Pictures and The Halcyon Company) missed the mark and Terminator 5 has every chance of failing too.

Personally when I found out Annapurna was in charge of this I was excited but having said that- the lead up to T3 was exciting too… they had a swish website, the images portrayed the film to be stylish but for me what I saw in promotional imagery and website content wasn’t what I saw in the Cinema or on DVD… the early images I saw were mostly not even scenes in the movie but instead stylish promo images of cast taken between scenes by a half decent photographer but still the style was off this was the start of Terminator movies becoming shells of themselves. T3 to me was a comedy/parody movie I tried to make myself like it but I will always resent it for being a waste of an installment and just being an average summer action movie. What happened to the great science fiction series was simply a case of money. The more money that seems to go into Termiantor the worse it gets. Arnold Schwarzenegger got paid 30 Million Dollars for T3 and I don’t really think he deserves that level of paycheck for contributing to such a god awful mess. Arnold went into the rush job pre-governorship on T3, it was like a promotional campaign  for him that said; look I can be a nice robot that’s child-friendly and I can save da vurld and California from apocalyptic destruction!

Elton John

The  Cameron and Schwarzenegger machine used to interest me but nothing exciting movie-wise has come from either of them for 10+ years. I am however looking forward to Schwarzenegger’s Ten but also worried about the next Conan movie. When I see them together they’re just pushing their own political endeavors/projects and it bores the shit out of me. I wanted a damn Terminator trilogy! Was that ever too much to ask for Jim?
I saw Avatar and that bored the shit out of me too but he has committed to making a trilogy of it because it encompasses everything Arnold and Jim stand to gain. Avatar will push the political campaign Arnold put into motion while governor and the two business moguls will stand to gain a lot of money from the venture… So was I conned? Did I buy into two of the biggest men in the movie industry just to be used along the way? Are the Terminator fans appreciated? It doesn’t feel like it.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at least always wanted to do the Cameron “T3” and although T3 was a pile of shit- he did come back at least and he has stated he will be back in T5. This could be his own personal acting shot at redemption in not wanting to leave the series on such a bum note but personally I’d like to see a more invested Arnold, one who has more passion- like Jim Cameron used to have; sticking it to the executives who want to shape the movie into a PG-13 territory. After all an R Rating does not secure a Terminator movie’s success… if there is no blood, no Termination, no overwhelming suspenseful moments then it could become a soft R playground.

The minute I heard Annapurna was involved I got worried a little because they created the company only after they bought the rights to make a 5th Terminator (C2 Pictures and The Halcyon Company did exactly the same thing). Then they started to release some really interesting indie projects but then they announced Skydance Productions would be co-producing T5… this production company has released mediocre movies but are making Star Trek Into Darkness which looks good from the trailer but Star Trek is far from Terminator in terms of real darkness and the company is also pretty new (sadly).

I don’t wanna see any women in underwear or any sex in the next Terminator movie. It has no place!

I now worry about the integrity of the project, the writers worry me, the Ellison’s worry me, Arnold, Jim Cameron’s advice that the movie should be all about Arnold and also the fact Bill Wisher/Gale Anne Hurd are not involved in the writing process/production. I am worried and I have every right to be especially after Jonathan Mostow and McG proclaimed to be huge fans of the franchise. Jonathan Mostow must be living on a different planet to me if he thinks what he made was a Terminator movie. McG made a slighter better effort in my opinion, at least I didn’t have to put up with Claire Danes as Kathryn fucking Brewster the most irrelevant Character in the series so far.

I want a Terminator movie that goes back to the roots of the first movie, I want more Future War, the SkyNet Pyramid, The Time Displacement chamber EVERYTHING. I WANT IT ALL. Will The Terminator Fans get that? That really depends on if the powers that be have been listening or not. They never listened before, so why would this time around be any different?

I want things to go back to the dark roots and tones of the first movie PERIOD

I believe T5 can go either way, it will be better than T3 (that can’t so hard can it) and it will probably be more authentic than Terminator Salvation but it still may never live up to the first two.

This is the movie people really wanted to see back in 1995/96 it should have been called Terminator 3 so instead maybe we can hope that some of the names featured in this image can return with Arnold to try and redeem this franchise.

Terminator 5 in an ideal world would be the true “Terminator 3” I always wanted

Terminator 5 could also be a full reboot, they could make any number of mistakes and one could be that John Connor isn’t even in it. After all Jim Cameron said it should all be about the man who said “Talk to the hand”.

Article written by: Webmaster of

Check out our Terminator 5 section for news like Robert Patrick being interested in the Terminator 5 script and articles that explain the aging of Terminators and much more

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