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Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D Character Posters

This is something we wanted to see in the very early stages of Terminator 2 3D promotion,- but better late than never… the full main cast have their own character posters! STUDIOCANAL, Distrib Films US and AMC Theatres bring fans a closer look at these awesome posters via social media.

Sarah Connor – Linda Hamilton Terminator 2 3D Poster

First up is a cool poster of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton); she was an integral part of what could have been an ongoing saga/continuing story. This poster captures Sarah’s innocence and badass nature all in one! The original image is taken from the siege on Cyberdyne Systems.

The T-1000 – Robert Patrick Terminator 2 3D Poster

The T-1000 (Robert Patrick) returns with his iconic pose from the Steel Mill/Refinery. Sarah has just run out of shotgun rounds and this time T-1000 is ready to Terminate. Another great image of Robert Patrick doing what he did best as a menacing mimetic poly-alloy Terminator Unit.

John Connor – Edward Furlong Terminator 2 3D Poster

Edward Furlong is back as John Connor on his awesome little red dirt bike as seen in the opening scenes of the movie,- most notably the storm/drainage canal. Edward did a fine job as a young John Connor and Edward achieved what many child actors would not have been able to with his performance in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Overall, great posters of meaningful characters brought to life by their amazing acting ability!

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Source: AMC Theatres Facebook

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