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Terminator 2 3D 4DX Screenings in Japan and 4DX Explained

Terminator 2 3D 4DX Japan

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D is evolving and taking the next step in the immersive cinematic evolutionary ladder in Japan with 4DX screenings on November 18th 2017. Infiltrator Jonathan Tam discovered the images (above) and notes the lack of the 4K logo- meaning the 4DX presentations may not be presented in 4K, although the remaster should still look pretty spectacular regardless.

What is 4DX?

Well, technically Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time (which sadly now only exists in Japan) is a 4DX ride. This is when a 3D screening is enhanced with other effects like seat movement, particle effects like water/fog machines etc to enhance the experience of 3D and bring the cinema goer an immersive experience contributing towards the goal of making the viewer feel like they are really part of the movie. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D 4DX is obviously the recent theatrical release of the movie given the 4DX treatment/experience.

Although more primitive in its execution due to the ride’s age, it makes you think about Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time and if it had been given a remaster and a 4DX upgrade; could the ride’s lifetime undergone an extension or do we need a new ride/experience to return when the franchise can be a global success again theatrically?

How does 4DX work?

Asia has really taken to the 3D experience more than any other market in the world and 4DX is the thing that might keep Asia satisfied until James Cameron, and the movie industry as a whole, can crack the whole naked eye 3D technology so they can get rid of the much complained about 3D glasses and bring more longevity to the 3D market long-term. The next step after that would be VR cinema experiences and Augmented reality but that kind of viewing experience is a long way off technologically. 4DX,- even though achieved with Battle Across Time, can keep advancing and becoming more technologically sufficient depending on how far cinemas are willing to go with installing the systems in theaters.

4DX is also one of the contributing success factors of James Cameron’s Asia box office success with Avatar and Titanic in 3D… this (at the time) was a new experience of being blasted with air while flying over Pandora or being drenched with water as the Titanic sinks was a totally new cinematic experience and a very different way to go watch a movie in a theater in comparison with just watching a ride like T2 3-D at theme-parks.

A 4DX conversion can take some time also; with less of a conversion time depending on how big a team you have preparing those unique commands and effects at the required cues/moments related to a specific movie, it does need to be programmed. People are having 4DX seats put into their home theaters (the more wealthy among us) and the home release of Terminator 2 does list 4DX features.

Skydance’s Terminator Genisys did have a 4DX run and already before that Terminator Genisys’ T-1000 Byung-hun Lee was in fact the face of 4DX’s brand and promotional trailer in 2013. Did this contribute to the casting choice in the fifth Terminator movie? Of course it seems Terminator did always have sights set on the younger audience and the Asian market but in the end that came with the result of domestic release failure.

As James Cameron returns to the franchise- the bond between Terminator and 3D/4DX is only strengthened, whether you feel it’s just a gimmick, a way to charge higher ticket prices to boost box office figures/revenue or if 3D is your preferred and most enjoyable movie going experience; the evolution of 3D will continue regardless.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D has now had 3D screenings, 4K (2D) screenings and now ventures into 4DX screenings, it all adds to the bank and it’s all about milking the cash cow. The upcoming home release of the movie will give fans a great 2D experience from the comfort of your couch but it does make you wonder that if a more strategic approach had been taken to allow a much wider allowance of 4K 2D and just basic 2D screenings if Terminator 2 would have killed it more at the box office.

2017 is one of the worst box office fiscal takes in years, with blame shifting from piracy to a sheer lack of movie making quality from studios; we say both have a shared blame. Terminator 2 3D kind of flopped in the US but topped the UK box office with a one day showing but like the US the UK had one of the worst weeks in the last several years with no competition, so the UK success of the movie was nothing really to be proud of even though on the surface it was kind of nice for fans to celebrate it after the disappointment of the US performance.

4DX is rolling out more and more across the world so the potential to bring Terminator 2 3D 4DX to a wider audience is there but will it happen or will all the focus now be shifting onto Terminator 6?

Terminator 2 3D 4DX Screening Schedule


<2017/10/25 現在>
エリア 劇場名 公開日 備考
北海道 ユナイテッド・シネマ札幌 11/18~ ※ 上映
北海道 シネプレックス旭川 11/18~ ※ 上映
東京 ユナイテッド・シネマ 豊洲 11/18~ ※ 上映
東京 ユナイテッド・シネマ アクアシティお台場 11/18~ ※ 上映
東京 ユナイテッド・シネマ としまえん 11/18~ ※ 上映
神奈川 小田原コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
埼玉 ユナイテッド・シネマ 春日部 11/18~ ※ 上映
埼玉 ユナイテッド・シネマ 入間 11/18~ ※ 上映
埼玉 ユナイテッド・シネマ 新座 11/18~ ※ 上映
埼玉 ユナイテッド・シネマ わかば 11/18~ ※ 上映
茨城 ユナイテッド・シネマ 水戸 11/18~ ※ 上映
群馬 ユナイテッド・シネマ 前橋 11/18~ ※ 上映
新潟 ユナイテッド・シネマ 新潟 11/18~ ※ 上映
愛知 中川コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
愛知 豊川コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
愛知 安城コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
愛知 小牧コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
岐阜 大垣コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
石川 金沢コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
大阪 シネプレックス牧方 11/18~ ※ 上映
奈良 ユナイテッド・シネマ橿原 11/18~ ※ 上映
広島 福山コロナシネマワールド 11/18~ ※ 上映
福岡 ユナイテッド・シネマキャナルシティ13 11/18~ ※ 上映
長崎 ユナイテッド・シネマ長崎 11/18~ ※ 上映
熊本 ユナイテッド・シネマ熊本 11/18~ ※ 上映

Theater information
Hokkaido UNITED CINEMA Sapporo 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Hokkaido Cineplex Asahikawa 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Tokyo United · cinema Toyosu 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Tokyo United Cinema Aqua City Odaiba 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Tokyo United · Cinema settlement 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Kanagawa Odawara Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Saitama United · Cinema Kasukabe 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Saitama United · cinema entrance 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Saitama United · Cinema Shinshu 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Saitama United · Cinema Wakaba 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Ibaraki United Cinema Mito 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Gunma United · cinema Maebashi 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Niigata UNITED CINEMA Niigata 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Aichi Nakagawa Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Aichi Toyokawa Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Aichi Anjo Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Aichi Komaki Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Gifu Ogaki Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Ishikawa Kanazawa Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Osaka Cineplex pastoral 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Nara United Cinema Kashihara 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Hiroshima Fukuyama Corona Cinema World 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Fukuoka United Cinema Canal City 13 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Nagasaki UNITED CINEMA NAGASAKI 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
Kumamoto United Cinema Kumamoto 11/18 ~ ※ Screening
**This information may be changed suddenly depending on circumstances. For details, please check each official website.


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