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T3 Director Explains Why There Are No Successful Terminator Movies After T2

T3 Director Explains Why There Are No Successful Terminator Movies After T2

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines director Jonathan Mostow was busy recently, promoting the new 4K re-release of his 1997 Kurt Russell starrer ‘Breakdown‘, when the subject of Terminator (and more specifically, T3) arose.

The original sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day (in this multiverse, anyway) is both loved and hated by the Terminator fanbase, a feeling that has become a recurring theme over the course of the franchise; following the multiple failed trilogy attempts and ‘direct’ sequels.

Terminator 3’s use of humor was a big sticking point for many fans, with Mostow explaining his reasoning for its inclusion as:

“I made a conscious decision to use comedy as a method of disarming the audience. I thought that if I could make them laugh, they would unfold their arms a little bit.”

Jonathan Mostow told TheHollywoodNews

It appears that now Mr. Mostow has gained some insight as to why (he believes) the sequels to Terminator 2 always seem to be set to fail…

“It was the first time audiences had truly seen digital effects and rendered in a way that left their jaws on the floor. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. You can only really dazzle people like that once. It was very hard, whether it be Terminator or any other film for that matter, to come up with the visual effects that could equal the dazzling spectacle of Terminator 2. When I made mine, I made it as a fan of the first two films trying to make the film I would have wanted to see.
It’s been interesting to see subsequently different filmmakers, different producers, and even different casts coming along and reincarnating the film and extending the franchise.”

Jonathan Mostow told ComicbookNews

Yes, the movies that followed T2 spent an awful lot of time attempting to reimagine / rehash / regenerate / reboot / reuse / rehydrate and re-do, the second Terminator movie, whilst simultaneously imitating it – even those claiming to be a ‘sequel’; Terminator 3 does much the same. New names, new characters, new stunts, storylines, writers and directors, all chasing the nostalgia high of that technologically advanced big action money-maker of a sequel, and failing to understand exactly why it worked in the first place.

There was a Terminator movie before Terminator 2… The Terminator (1984) set the wheels in motion for T2 to exist, and flourish.

The Terminator created the story and characters that Terminator Fans really care about.

It’s okay though, big Hollywood, you keep chasing that easy money, let’s just see how far it gets you.

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