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Opinion on How Terminator 6 Should Represent Schwarzenegger’s Terminator

Terminator 6 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Many people have doubted Arnold before (and after) Terminator Genisys and his capability to continue the franchise as the Terminator, mainly with the heavy criticism of his age… This article is an opinion piece on how Arnold Schwarzenegger can drag his metal torso back to the top of the franchise.

Schwarzenegger (below) is back in his leather pants, jacket, boots and sunglasses… looking pretty much identical to the way he did in Terminator 2: Judgment Day on muscle beach this week. This is a photo-shoot for GQ magazine!

The Aging Process:

We think it’s correct for Terminators to age; especially with such a long lifespan. This character trait will carry over from Terminator Genisys for Terminator 6 but we do not think the execution should be the same.

Terminator Genisys made the mistake of giving Arnold a grey wig which aided him looking even older in the movie… but just look at Arnold in the muscle beach photo and how having color in his hair makes him look much younger.

The muscle beach look is more a step in the right direction of how Arnold should be represented visually in the franchise (not necessarily the outfit)… fans don’t enjoy hearing “Grandpa Terminator” or “Oh my back” comments, with the right visual representation of the T-800 character these kind of comments would not exist. This is the task that Tim Miller and Skydance is now responsible for. This should be dealt with practically and not with CGI models and anti alias blurring of Arnold’s face. If there is a nude Schwarzenegger scene (possibly unlikely) planned for T6,- if Arnold wants a digital boost and they can make it look real- fair enough but we need a real and natural T-800 this time.

With each year out of Governorship Arnold has had time to focus on his muscles and in 2017 he looks in far better physical shape than he did in any of his movies in the last few years and he looks healthier and younger than he did in 2015’s Terminator Genisys. This goes in favor of the next Terminator movie.

Do not acknowledge aging Terminators- we know it already and if anyone has a problem or is clueless about it they can look it up in the internet or in a book about the movie. Move on.

Ditch The Learning Computer/Protector (cheesy):

The learning computer is a concept that was introduced in Terminator 2: Judgment Day in which a Terminator’s CPU could be switched to “learn mode” in DELETED SCENES (thus technically not canon) this scene was removed as Cameron just stated the learn mode didn’t need to be switched on, Terminator just learns. Tim Miller and James Cameron’s recent Terminator 6 event discussed this in accordance with the Aging Terminator concept… Quite frankly we see this as pointing to protector role once again and an excuse to humanize the Terminator character, “ITS” behavior and increase dialogue, comedy and other nonsense that most fans are tired of. Why on earth would SkyNet allow a INSTRUCTED/PROGRAMMED PRODUCT to fucking learn or evolve? This would compromise SkyNet itself, it would not want the machine to learn and why on earth would it allow HUMANS to be the ones to open up the CPU to deactivate a TERMINATOR and flick the switch to LEARN MODE while the machine is deactivated and immobile. It’s ridiculous… This isn’t “The Learning computer” franchise and it isn’t called “THE PROTECTOR” this is the Terminator franchise…

For those fans whose favorite performance of Arnold is in the first movie… how fair is it to them to not give them what they ask for once again and to give them more or less the same incarnation over and over again; some would think they will give it to those fans but with reprogramming along the way to make it impure or a falsity.

We have too much little boy sentiment about the franchise of laser guns and daddy robots and there is no guarantee this generation of kids will fall for it the same as the last did or they would have loved Terminator Genisys and the old wave fans opinion wouldn’t count for sh*t but hey those old wave fans are still alive and mostly grown up now.

For fans confused at this statement, yes a Terminator learns but becoming more human as it learns and adapting human characteristics and smiling etc. is just not something some fans want to see. Also Terminators would have extensive programming/knowledge built in (detailed files)… if learning could lead to a Terminator turning on its creator- why would SkyNet even allow that wiring to exist? It wouldn’t.

Learning + Human Behavior=CHEESE & comedy moments. The first movie did not need to reference “learning” so why are we stuck in a T2 rut of saying Arnold Schwarzenegger is a learning computer?

So far Terminator 6 could be giving us the most human-like/behaving Terminator ever.

The Rated R Rogue Horror Villain T-800 Terminator

There is talk of a new Terminator being introduced for Terminator 6 and torch passing for Arnold and Linda and most of us don’t want it in Terminator 6 – there is a full trilogy to do this in; why not the end of the new trilogy?

From what we are hearing from a majority of fans (what we want too) is for Arnold to be the ultimate horror icon once again as a badass monosyllabic Terminator that just gets on with “ITS” mission.
Fans have not had this since the first movie and this, to us, would be more fresh than a newfangled Terminator that can shoot electricity bolts out of its asshole… in 1984 things were limited for the T-800- we never quite saw its full potential and it would be great to see Arnold and the T-800 wear the crown as a REAL TERMINATOR in Terminator 6. The same goes for Linda Hamilton; carrying the movie opposite Arnold and not passing torches right away. Arnold vs Linda sounds more exciting- the mighty Sarah Connor should not need help in a battle with Schwarzenegger this time around, she never took on a Terminator fully on her own or as the lead protector/protagonist and we would like to see that.

Make Schwarzenegger Horrifying Again:

Everything from his Terminations, his actions, his dialogue and battle damage should be creepy, dark and sinister. The wave of darker horror is coming fast and will Terminator 6 miss the opportunity to be the first real dark sci-fi and reclaim menacing horror icon status for Arnold Schwarzenegger one last time?

END The One Liners:

This isn’t the 90s anymore… can we move with the times and make a film that feels like the glimpse into a real world and not have us taken out the movie every two seconds with the same old one liners pumping out of the screen? It can be quite tiresome to roll your eyes while watching Arnold in Terminator movies… the purposeful writing of forced one liners sucks hard. Let the audience decide what the one liners are, don’t force them or create them to be that way on purpose- write a good story. The less Arnold says in Terminator 6, the more his words will have impact when he delivers them and the more impact his performance will have on the audience.

We always worry about the execution and writing of these characters but we worry especially for Arnold and Linda Hamilton with Terminator 6.

Overall this is a chance to revisit the blend into any crowd (Infiltration Unit) Terminator concept by Cameron but will they do it? There is always the question of if Arnold will be playing a T-800 or another Unit (in the same line) in T6 but the T-800 is so damn iconic, it could be a mistake to have him play anything else…


He said “I´ll be back” #musclebeach

Posted by on Thursday, 12 October 2017

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