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James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger ARE BACK for ‘Rise of the Vegan’

James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger want you to stop eating meat.

No, this isn’t some crazy alternate timeline,- this is reality. They have a strong environmental message to deliver with the Chinese Government / WildAid.

So, what is the goal?

WildAid in partnership with the Chinese Nutrition Society created the footage of Schwarzenegger and Cameron to kick off a new campaign focused on reducing meat consumption in China, in line with the latest guidelines published by the Chinese government.

What is the 5 to do today campaign about?

5 To Do Today is a campaign initiated in China to influence attitudes, motivate behavioral change and create collective support for climate action. We believe that individuals can make a significant, collective impact by modifying daily routines to reduce their environmental footprint.

Rise of the Vegan’s website / campaign is a sub-website of the campaign for ‘5 to do today’, and seems to be more targeted towards Arnold / Terminator Fans and Vegan bodybuilding… Rise of the Machines anyone?

Rise of the Vegan website reports:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California and widely regarded as one of the best bodybuilders of all time, recommends people work on cutting down and eliminating meat from their diet just as he is doing. His doctors recommend he eliminates meat for health reasons, and his friend James Cameron recommends eliminating meat due to it’s severe and unsustainable environmental impact.

We are finally seeing more developments of just one of the global warming initiatives that we have hinted at over the years – that Arnold and Jim Cameron will push forwards in the world of green energy.

China is back in the focus, regarding the campaign, and it now becomes much clearer as to why China / Asia is the main target of the Terminator franchise of late.
Terminator Genisys’ questionable Jim Cameron video endorsements, Terminator 2 3D release for China (the primary target audience) later this year…

Arnold Schwarzenegger himself (since being governor) has been studying, and backing, the research of scientists with his USC Schwarzenegger institute; politics and global warming is still heavy on Arnold’s agenda.

James Cameron is also heavily involved in ‘ending global warming’ and it’s the theme of the Avatar series, each movie will be themed around elements that effect the survival of our planet. You could consider the first Avatar’s main focus was air, trees and the destructive nature of money hungry human beings…
Avatar sequels are intended to take us into the ocean next; Cameron is more of a scientist, diver and marine biologist these days and has done enough submersible dives that he should be able to depict a clear understanding of what it takes to tell a story about global warming in our oceans, yeah, we might need some bad guys to take on the Navi again, that is unless Jim intends to introduce a new race of creatures… like the ones he has been discovering on the ocean floor of The Abyss on his expeditions.

Avatar will be the biggest green / eco oriented movie franchise ever. The Avatar franchise has also had big success in Asia.

We don’t feel entirely comfortable that the Terminator franchise isn’t appreciated so much for its own merits anymore – instead it is currently a political vehicle like Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines was for Arnold’s campaign running for Governor.

but the real question is should we stop eating meat… ?

Schwarzenegger states:

“The more I went to my physical (examinations) the more doctors started stressing: “Arnold you’ve got to get off meat”, so I’m slowly getting off meat, and I can tell you, I feel fantastic!”

Arnold has eaten so much meat that he needs to give it up, and Jim says it has a huge carbon footprint.
Cutting down consumption of anything in this world is a good thing. We are consuming the planet we live on, but we also have a vast majority of wealth with carbon footprints that the average human will never even have.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has big cars and big cigars, but he spent time making his children energy efficient around the household, trying to keep children active and safe with the after school allstars (his charity) so, if Arnold and Jim can do various global warming campaigns and use their Hollywood power to reduce animal consumption it can only be a good thing right?

So, should you stop eating meat?

It’s your life, do what you want, but we wouldn’t recommend cutting meat out of your diet in one go; perhaps just cut down the amount of meat you eat, not every meal needs it. We might all feel a lot better without a multitude of fatty deposits building up in our circulatory system.

Rise of the Vegan Official Website

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