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Is Terminator: Genisys the Final Nail in the Coffin & Another 1984 CGI T-800?

Terminator Genisys

According to Terminator: Genisys is going to piss the fans off majorly and they believe that the plot is so bad that they think the movie will bomb and will kill the franchise off completely. This all comes from the word of a reliable source; according to one of the presenters Jeff Snieder.
@TheInSneider has also stated that the time travel element of the movie will confuse the hell out of viewers. If this report is correct then we may already have a big fail on our hands that we fear will totally alienate the original fans.

One of the more positive aspects of this discussion is that we will see a young CGI Arnold Schwarzenegger entering the time displacement equipment, (1984) Arnold, and we will see him travel back in time. It is now obvious he will over-shoot to a point in time that will possibly allow his character to age unless Aaron V. Williamson is playing the CGI Arnold for a longer duration than a time travel cameo.  Will Mr. Williamson bear his own resemblance in Genisys or Arnold’s 1984 likeness?

Regarding a 1984 Arnold T-800 model going back in time; everything else said by the presenters was very disheartening.

Can Alan Taylor bring The Terminator Fans back from the brink like John Connor did for mankind?

Terminator: Genisys’ method of marketing is familiar to how they marketed R Rated movies in the 80s but apparently it’s PG-13… hmmm the original Batman film had high secrecy and became very successful by connecting with fans to the hilt to ensure success. While Terminator: Genisys is highly secret, none of the news we’ve heard about Genisys has truly excited us, I don’t actually feel any connection to it or what it wants to be. It feels quite pretend at the moment but again we must state we didn’t want a reboot, a reset or a restructure to these movies. This feels like something for a new generation but as cool as a grey haired terminator might appeal to some original fans will it really appeal to a 12 year old kid? This movie will have lots of characters arcs… is this going to get messy when the original plot was simple and easy to understand?

Is the movie on perfect schedule to be a hit movie or are they hiding the worst Terminator movie to grace all of mankind since Terminator 3?

Will the trailer be attached to Interstellar as we anticipated? Maybe a time displacement device will reveal all the answers to all those questions the studios have created with Terminator: Genisys or possibly Terminator: Decimation  if the rumors of a bad script are true.

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