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Images of Terminator: Genesis Actors on Set

Terminator: Genesis Actors on Set

The Daily Mail has posted images that seem like an official teasers so we are posting them here. It looks like John Connor, Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese and the T-800 are all doing a scene together… breaking Sarah and Kyle out of prison or an institution perhaps?

Will Sarah Connor start to fall for her son romantically instead of Kyle Reese… could this movie be more Back to the Future than Terminator? Who knows, this film is shrouded in so much secrecy and seems, I dunno- different.

I’m not even sure I like Arnold’s Wardrobe; Jeans and Jacket? I mean yeah, maybe he will wear leather again and we have discussed in the past- that it might not be so believable for him to even wear sunglasses and leather again but- when an outfit of an iconic character looks so generic… Maybe generic is good… maybe this film will be believable but if comedy and one liners are allowed to take control it will only do harm. Fans want a realistic, believable movie with the dark tones founded by the original. If old school fans are yet again to face laughter around them from the viewing public in their local theater they will feel insulted after paying good money to watch it. I took personal insult when I watched Terminator 3, I  and many others considered it to be taking piss out of the very people who supported the franchise.

Is it me or does look like a screen-test and not a movie scene?

Star Wars get to have the original cast back and Terminator Fans get this. On the fence as always with this one, I want it to be good, I want to be excited but past Terminator movies have been a let down beyond the second. These images do not get me pumped. It is nice to see them though.

Arnold has grey hair, whether that be a wig or whatever but I don’t mind it. Arnold looks good but his clothes…

It looks like John and Kyle are facing off… why? Why is Sarah Connor pointing a gun at her son…. the questions continue.

Also if Jason Clarke isn’t in the future… who is leading the Resistance?

We don’t like that Teddy Bear on the floor either, it’s a bad omen. If Arnold carries this in the movie, even if it’s to conceal weapons it’s lame and very cheesy, tacky and below par!

Terminator: Genesis Actors on Set

Source: The Daily Mail

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