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Happy Terminator Day

Kyle Reese Arrival

Well, today is the day that SkyNet sent its first cybernetic assassin back through time (that we know of) to 1984 to alter the future and to destroy mankind.

A soldier by the name of Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) arrives in the year 1984, he alone has been sent to protect a woman by the name of Sarah Connor. Disoriented, bruised and pursued by LAPD officers; Kyle needs to figure out if he has arrived in the right time and after disarming a police officer he demands to know the date and the year…

Kyle Reese: What day is it? The date!
Cop in Alley: 12th… May… Thursday…
Kyle Reese: [viciously] WHAT YEAR?

12th may 1984 was actually a Saturday but production was delayed a whole year- however 12th May 1983 (when the film was initially planned to take place) would have been a Thursday. Being a work of science fiction,- maybe the Terminator timeline we love just doesn’t do leap years. We totally forgive it.

The story began, we became attached the characters, brilliant acting from Hamilton, Biehn and Arnold’s best and most ruthless performance in the terminator franchise, the supporting cast was great too; blending cohesively into the carnage which was to ensue. Car chases, an actual body-count that would continue to rise in number up to the very end of the movie. The movie took itself seriously and so did the viewers.

A horror icon was born to stand proud among the likes of Jason Vorhees and other famous horror movie icons, but The Terminator was different, it had a heart that slashers didn’t- but people loved the blend of sci-fi, horror and suspense, the ultra-violence, the brilliant soundtrack adding to the dark journey it was more than just a low budget b-movie. This was controversy, this  conversation, this was the movie that any self respecting parent would not want their child to see… this was THE FUCKING TERMINATOR!

Now the terminator movies of today are nothing but summer tent-pole movies made for children. There is no real appeal left, everything is too polished and sanitized- not believable. A parody which continues to insult the intellect of the majority of the fanbase. Terminator is a franchise which has gained its legend based on the merit of the first two movies, they remain gold to the fans,- but the true vision is the first movie and even that has been under attack via a rehash of its story which is a mockery to the first movie rather than a flattering imitation- the foundations of greatness are under pressure and the Terminator franchise is rapidly turning into a castle built on sand.

Can the dizzying precipice of the first two movies ever be achieved again?

It would still be nice to close the original timeline out for fans but without Cameron there is no trust left. Not here anyway.

It would be interesting to reconnect with Sarah Connor (the real one) and perhaps give us a definitive John Connor who can carry on the franchise for future movies as one big canon, beyond Hamilton and Schwarzenegger’s involvement.

Linda Hamilton can fucking act, is younger than both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver and Linda’s representation of the character is the story we care about. Linda Hamilton may not be the title character of the franchise but she is the lead actress/main character and she is Sarah Connor. Her voice in Terminator Salvation was a small glimmer of a genuine Terminator sequel but it was lost in the mess of T3/4 and 5.

Can Sarah Connor protect our future and her son one final time? Will Arnold Schwarzenegger ever actually play THE TERMINATOR again (bar the first movie)?

T2 Bonus: Here are some fun Terminator 2 images given to us by Joel Kramer, who co-ordinated many well loved stunts/gags in the franchise.

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