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Happy Birthday To Linda Hamilton “The Real Sarah Connor”

Linda Hamilton Happy Birthday

She starred in the best two Terminator movies, she turned down Terminator 3 due to a weak script, she has always been open to a return since but has never been (properly) invited to come BACK to the franchise, we all know how it is; women don’t get the fair end of the deal in Hollywood.

Linda Hamilton in comedy “Shoot Me Nicely” (2017)

Universal Studios/Pictures and Bill Wisher prepared a 2 picture loop closer for the original hardcore fans of the franchise and the 2 picture deal (part of a hedge fund sales enticement) was set to star Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Biehn but instead we got Terminator Genisys- when Paramount took the option to reboot the franchise instead… yeah, really great choice, that really went well!

Linda Hamilton has never sold fans up the river and in her refusal to participate in a Cameron-less franchise Linda Hamilton has ended up safe-guarding the canon continuity of the Terminator franchise perfectly, it simply hasn’t continued for many fans as many are still trapped on the distant highway, still waiting to know what happened to Sarah Connor and her son John, after all… they only delayed the inevitable, right?

Linda Hamilton has continued to act but she never forgot the Terminator Fans, many of our readers will have met Linda at conventions, had their questions answered by her, we have only ever heard nice things about this fabulous Actress and we totally believe she can play Sarah Connor again,  older, wiser and technically less wired but still capable of being crazy; the potential mother son dynamic could be really interesting if they cast the perfect John Connor to bounce off Linda Hamilton’s excellent portrayal as Sarah Connor. We need a gritty drama and great script to go well with those Action and horror elements that used to make the franchise special and stand out from the crowd.

Happy Birthday Linda Hamilton, maybe one day we will find out what really happened to Sarah Connor? The window is closing for the original hardcore fans who care about the canon continuity of the first two movies. If fans can learn the value of why Jim Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton should be back in the franchise then maybe the studios can too.

Regardless, Terminator 2: 3D will reset Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor for movie-goers worldwide in 2017!

Linda’s twin Leslie also of course shares the same Birthday! She’ll be back in T2: 3D too for the steel mill showdown!


As we celebrate Linda Hamilton’s Birthday sadly the world is not functioning as it should for the many and it saddened us to hear that Saigh the owner of a Linda Hamilton Fan site “The Sarah Connor Charm School” is having some trouble with her personal Terminator spotter Gleann’s medical bills and his health is failing- something which will worsen if action is not taken.

Saigh and Gleann

Saigh shares her story:

Gleann came into our lives when he was just weeks old and is my heart dog. He’s “Velcro Dog” right at my side as he is right now as I type this. Outside he’s a fiend for running, but also very concerned with his duty to make sure the chickens, horses and goat are where they should be and not up to no good. Every single quirk he has (and he has a lot) is pretty much our fault and we love every one of them. I know someday it will happen, but I can’t imagine life without him. I really do need a few more years to get use to that idea.

It’s been a difficult year with our dogs. We lost our 15 year old Sachairi in February. In March our Greyhound Gráinne was found to have leukemia and Gleann’s calcium was high. It seemed her leukemia was the most devastating, but at this point *knockwoodx3* she’s got no symptoms and her blood levels are stable. It turned out that Gleann’s condition is the one that is immediately dire. He is now near a critical high calcium level which will eventually kidney failure. He has primary hyperparathyroidism from a benign nodule in one of his parathyroid glands and this needs to be removed.

The surgery will cost $3,200 – $3,500 depending on length of stay after to monitor his levels.
With only my husband working right now, other animals and a house and barn kind of falling down, it might seem foolish to focus so much to try to get money to save a dog. But it’s a treatable condition. He still is happy and energetic much of the time. He may have slowed down some, he drinks a lot more (which is probably also good), but he’s not yet symptomatic….although nights like this. He never has been a big eater and sometimes has had meals he just wasn’t interested in and as I write this I am trying to keep that in mind, because he refused his supper last night and barely touched his breakfast. The thing about this issue is that once he gets sick, it may be too late to really help him, but because one of the primary symptoms is something he’s always done, it makes it hard to know right off. Once he gets sick he’ll not only have the hyperparathyroid he’ll have kidney disease! So we need to do this soon!

We are teaming together with “The Sarah Connor Charm School” to offer a simple charitable auction, whichever one of our users offers the most money to help combat Gleann’s surgery bill and helps save his life will receive this signed photo of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor from the mighty Terminator 2: Judgment Day. As far as we are aware Linda will not be doing any conventions any time soon so this is a great opportunity for a fan to own a signed picture of “The Real Sarah Connor”.

There is no certificate of authenticity but the photo does have that much needed history… The photo was signed at Chicago ComicCon in August of 2010 by Linda. It was not personalized and was originally intended to be used in a past fundraiser/cause at ‘The Sarah Connor Charm School’ which never came to be.

UPDATE: All 3 2002 Sarah Connor Variant Figures by McFarlane Toys have been added as rewards to go with the signed photo, click the following image (opens in new window) to find out more about the figures or continue reading.

Fill out the form below and we can pass on your bids for the photo, if you are outbid you will be notified so you can make a higher bid if you wish.

This is time sensitive so we want as quick a closure to this auction as possible, please only make serious bids, no time wasters, you are not just bidding for a signed photo, you are contributing towards saving a life.

The winning bidder will be responsible for making the donation to ‘The Sarah Connor Charm School’ via Paypal and ‘The Sarah Connor Charm School’ will be responsible for dispatching your signed Autograph of Linda Hamilton. As stated please check back for more info or more possible additional items.

Worldwide donation offers welcome.

If you can’t take part in the charitable auction but you still wish to make a small donation to help save Gleann there is a fundraiser you can donate to but it is not associated with this auction/fundraiser (link below), if you can only spare a few dollars, every little helps!

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