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Happy Birthday 1L19 AKA William Wisher

Happy Birthday to William Wisher.

If we could steal Wisher’s Birthday Wish we would wish for him to be reunited with Terminator 6 or 7 as a writer with James Cameron!

Maybe we could get a cameo from Mr. Wisher in Terminator 6 too, wouldn’t that be fitting and it might be one of the reasons the other Terminator movies failed? In fact; why not give him a larger part in the movie too, perhaps involved in a CSM-101 investigation by the FBI and LAPD… was he playing the same cop all along, a man so unlucky he keeps bumping into Cybernetic Assassins (mainly Arnold Schwarzenegger)? An interesting concept to think about indeed and could be amusing/pretty cool if done right or really cheesy if done wrong. Failing that scenario,- maybe he could play a Resistance Soldier or a human survivor in some future war scenes but we kinda like the tweak that makes him the same unlucky wrong place wrong time cop MR 1L19!

Also if Linda Hamilton is to return as Sarah Connor in Terminator 6, this is the man that knows the character inside out and how to progress her character, no one is better for the job, it would be nice if they arranged Linda and William some downtime to progress that character together with a meeting with James Cameron. William wrote most of the Sarah Connor material for Terminator 2: Judgment Day and what a kick ass job he did.

Long live William Wisher, one of the true legends of the Terminator Franchise!

“This is 1L19, west bound on Olympic, approaching Overland.”

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