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Halloween Reboot Will Ignore All but First Two Movies With Return of Leading Lady

This is exactly what we wanted for Terminator! The new Halloween Reboot WILL IGNORE all movies bar the first two… and have the return of the original leading lady (Jamie Lee Curtis) as Laurie Strode regardless of age. This is a true franchise reprisal/reconnect… hopefully!

Laurie Strode was actually Terminated on screen by Michael in her last outing Halloween: Resurrection… but Terminator’s Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) never died on screen and yet again we reiterate the same idea we have pushed for years that Sarah Connor faked her death (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines) but if you ignore all Terminator Sequels after T2; that doesn’t even need an explanation.

The first Terminator movie was very Halloween in its execution replacing the William Shatner-mask-wearing Michael Myers with a Austrian Voiced Cybernetic Assassin… To say that James Cameron’s first proper outing as a director (ignoring Pirahna 2) wasn’t taking some form of inspiration from director John Carpenter’s Halloween would be kind of an understatement.

Women over 40 in Hollywood get the rough end of the deal but the studios are seeing sense and asking Jamie Lee Curtis to return to heal a misguided franchise… have no love for Rob Zombie’s outings in the Halloween franchise… thankfully the Halloween franchise never transformed into a PG-13 tent-pole Summer Action Blockbuster format of movie… The Halloween sequels continued but they never quite had the same stature or appeal as the first two outings in the franchise,- which is exactly the same for Terminator.

It is still quite possible that Terminator 6 could continue on from James Cameron’s movies, it has not been ruled out if Linda Hamilton (The Terminator’s original scream queen) will return for what has been described as a torch passing Terminator movie but surely the majority of Halloween fans are going to be excited for this reboot or what we would call a reconnect or requel. Yes, Donald Pleasence is gone now but hopefully they can homage that character in a nice way in this new Halloween.

Sadly this could have been done a long time ago for Terminator and set a trend and started the new wave of Rated R but the franchise totally missed the boat and Genisys was stuck in the trends of yesterday- with the Marvel style Terminator Genisys Super Hero style outing.

Tim Miller screams Marvel but will he give us a Horror Masterpiece- a return to the roots of Terminator with a gritty slasher/science fiction masterpiece or a R Rated CGI comedy infused comic book movie… time will tell but we have made clear what we want to see happen and what we think will make the Terminator franchise great and viable again. have been constructively critical of the Terminator franchise, not out of being difficult for the sole purpose of being difficult but for the greater good and success of the franchise; without lying to our users or pushing propaganda for studios to alter successful outcomes for movies that the majority never wanted.

Deadpool although successful has started the wrong trend in the eyes of Hollywood and we will see many bombs as a result of copying the model of that movie ie. using comedy as a way to level out the violence. It worked for Deadpool because that was the source material but it won’t work for all movies.

Would you like the next Terminator to ignore all movies bar the first two and what tone do you want the movie to take… let us know your thoughts about the Halloween Reboot’s decisions and if you would like those decisions to transition into the Terminator Franchise too.

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