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Courtney B. Vance to Play Miles Dyson in Terminator: Genesis

We all know Miles Dyson’s son Danny Dyson will be appearing in Terminator: Genesis but it looks like Miles, originally played by Joe Morton in T2: Judgment Day is also going to be in the new Terminator/Trilogy?

The Original Miles dyson


IMDb states that Courtney B. Vance will play Miles Dyson and states that he is currently filming  the role of Myles Dyson… I hope this is just an error and not a studio typo as all Terminator Fans know the correct spelling is Miles.

Will Miles (the original creator of SkyNet) sacrifice himself and his creation once again to save humanity in the new Terminator movie? You will have to wait until 2015 to find out!

The New Miles Dyson

Thanks to Terminator Fan Federico Murias for bringing this news to us.

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