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300: Rise of an Empire

Lena Headey 300 Rise of an Empire

A sequel to 300 is upon us and as far as trailers go this looks like a worthy sequel and a pretty much unknown director Noam Murro attached with returning cast members including Lena Headey (Sarah Connor from TSCC). Back around the release of the first 300 Arnold Schwarzenegger was very interested in Gerard Butler’s muscles and he wanted his trainer to bring him back in shape for future movie projects like Terminator 5.


I said to [‘300’ producer] Mark Canton, ‘You have got to get a hold of [Butler]. I want to know what his training regimen is.’ Canton said, ‘What are you talking about? [That look] cost me a lot of money.’

‘The look costing a lot of money’ was in reference to the fact that effects and make-up were used to enhance the definition of the casts’ muscles including Butler. However not all the credit can go to visual effects as Gerard Butler was in very good shape in 300. This could be a good indication that Schwarzenegger may be open to using effects to enhance his muscles in the next Terminator movie especially if a *naked scene is required.

Sarah Connor (Headey) will be back reprising her role from the first 300 movie and it’s nice to see her continuing on in her career as a worthy and credible actress. She even narrates the trailer much like Sarah Connor does in Terminator 2: Judgment Day! Watch and hear Lena in the trailer now!

Check out Actor Juan Burgos in this exclusive behind the scenes shot on the 300 sequel

Juan Burgos as a T-300?

After seeing this picture we would be glad to see Juan in Terminator 5 as a future war model of infiltrator maybe in the same vein as the Franco Columbu role in The Terminator. Juan is also currently filming a movie with Linda Hamilton. Many Linda fans seem to know all about the movie but we dare not even mention the name of the movie on this website for fear of being annihilated! Everything is very hush hush.

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